Thursday, December 24, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Christmas again!

This year we are going to learn these songs:

3rd Santa Claus is coming to town
4th Jingle Bells

5th The twelve days of Christmas

6th Jingle Bell Rock

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trips 2009-10

5th - "Super Sue show" We went to Torre Balcells (Casal de Cultura) on the 6th November. We enjoyed a lot! You can see here some images.

6th - We went to La Pedrera with a guided tour in English and then we watched "The Human Body" film in the Imax cinema. Wow, a day full of activities in English!

Welcome 2009-10!

Welcome again!

Monday, May 4, 2009


We've done two trips about English this year:

3rd "Dani in concert" we learnt the songs in the class and then we sng them in a great concert!

5th "Pirate island" we saw a theater play with the Bue Mango Theatre.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

eTwinning news

Our 5th students have uploaded their personal presentations in the eTwinning project page "Tell me more". Our Polish partners have done the same, so you can read their presentations here.

Web suggestion

We recommend you to visit this crazy web. You can create yourself a very crazy wild animal!

Monday, January 19, 2009


We have started two eTwinning projects:

  • "Tell me more" with 5th grade. Our partner is:

    Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa im. Kapitana Więckowskiego, Kargowa (Poland)

    You can visit our project and our blog!

  • "European traditions" with 6th grade. Our partner is:

    Szkoła Podstawowa ABiS 'school 4 child', Łódź (Poland)
